Part 2 of our guidance on the actions to take between accepting an offer and starting a new job.

Transitioning into a new job involves more than just managing the final days at your old position and preparing for the responsibilities of the new role.

There is lots of guidance about what to do as the manager of a new hire coming into your business. Manager Tools has podcasts and a spreadsheet that will tell you what to do for a whole year after you make the offer to ensure your new hire is thoroughly embedded in your team. There's also plenty of information about what to do when you start a new job. Again, we've produced podcasts about it.

But there's a crucial, often overlooked piece: the work you can do proactively to prepare for the role you're about to take in this new company. This phase is an opportunity. It's not just about resigning and wrapping up previous commitments; with the right actions now, you can change the trajectory of your time at this company.

This Cast Answers These Questions

  • What preparations should you be making after you get a new job?
  • What can you do to start a new job well?
  • What research should you be doing ahead of a new job?

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