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Submitted by raf on


I'm about to start a new position at a new org, managing an 8-person team (1 person in a lead role, the other 7 more typical directs) that has an existing tradition of every-other-week O3s. I think that, pending my arrival, the lead has been doing them on an interim basis. I don't really know what type of 'model' they've been using but I assume it is not the exact MT O3 model.

Obviously this is not a pure setup for the classic O3 rollout - they're already doing some form of O3, and already have them scheduled. Here's what I'm thinking - appreciate any thoughts.

Weeks 1-2

- Initial round of 1-time 'get to know you' meetings with each direct, maybe 30 min, outside of existing O3 schedule

- Take over the existing semimonthly schedule for the O3s for the 7 regular directs

- Start weekly O3s with the lead

Weeks 3-4

Rollout idea of moving to weekly O3s; explain reason for change, and the 10/10/10 agenda; offer schedule slots

Continue existing schedule of semimonthly O3s while new schedule being sorted out

Week 5

Start weekly MT O3s 

Or is this too much change too soon - should I "fit in" by sticking to their existing model for a while longer?

jrb3's picture
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Why deny yourself and your directs the extra focused time this early in your time together?

Cross-check against the advice for rolling out O3s in general.  Otherwise, seems sane to me.